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The relevance of determined FORMs

Our thinking (and with it our philosophy) will improve a lot when we remember our lessons in predicate logic, propositional logic and philosophy and theory of science. It is quite wonderful where Gödel, Heisenberg, Turing, Wittgenstein have brought us, but without considering the determined our philosophy gets wishy-washy – and they came to their beautiful ideas by exploring determined concepts. We …

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analog/digital, digital/analog – Eine funktionale Leitdifferenz in Wirklichkeitsemulation?

Das Thema "Digitalisierung" ist in aller Munde. Ich habe in meinen Artikeln über Wirklichkeitsemulation dargelegt, warum ich denke, dass der Begriff das Phänomen nicht hinreichend greift, sondern im Gegenteil verhindert, dass die Diskussion auf breiter Ebene den technologischen, den kognitiven und den sozialen Veränderungen mit denen wir es seit einer Weile zu tun haben, gerecht wird. Nun wird …

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On Contingency ...

Don't confuse contingency with arbitrariness. And don't think that contingency means that we can not commit ourselves to priorities in regard to functionality of the sign, the concept, the phenomenon – or that everything might/will change just in the moment we change its label or characterization. A mouse will not grow wings just because we want it so. Gravitation will …

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How to approach FORMWELT

Thinking about a FAQ for FORMWELT the first thing which comes to my mind is somehow to talk about its complexity. Many people believe that there has to be an elevator pitch, something quite simple to help with understanding what it is all about. Well, we already did that on the FORMWELT website. It does not gets easier than there …

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The reason why we protect FORMWELT so firmly is:

You! FORMWELT is all about thought-processing and communication. It is all about your thought-processing and communication. Many ask us: “Why do you act so secretive, why don't you just publish FORMWELT kernel. Information should be free for all and it would be so much easier for everybody.” No. No to everything. First: not all information should be free. Second: your …

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